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- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Renewable Heating Incentives
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- Air Source Heat Pumps
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- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Renewable Heating Incentives
Types of Renewable Energy Heat Pump
What types of renewable energy heat pumps are there?
Heat pumps can use a range of heat sources and operate through a wide range of temperatures from 40°C up to 130°C. They can be used in many applications and make use of any suitable heat sources that are available. Heat pumps can be categorised into four key types: air source; ground source; water source; and high temperature – for use in industry.There are three main types of renewable energy heat pump
Click each underlined heat pump type for more information
- Air-to-air (or Direct Expansion) - produces warm air which is circulated by ventillation units to heat your home; also for cooling in warmer weather.
- Air-to-water (or Monobloc) - distributes heat via radiators or underfloor heating and also heats your hot water
These can be either be configured as a: - hybrid air source heating installation which uses an existing central heating as a back-up, or
- high temperature air source heat pump installation.
Ground source heat pump
Requires pipes to be buried in the garden to extract heat from the ground to heat radiators, underfloor or warm air heating systems and your hot water.
Water source heat pump
An alternative to a ground source system extracts heat stored in water or a lake.Air Source Heat Pumps
There are two main air source heat pump configuration types
Air-to-Water Air Source Heat Pump
Most of the heat pumps installed in the UK are air-to-water or monobloc air source heat pumps, which provide both space and water heating. They can be installed on almost all properties, including flats. A normal pump is about the size of a fridge, and you just need a place outside where it can be fitted to a wall or placed on the ground, with space around it to get a good flow of air. A monobloc heat pump can be connected directly to a wet heating system of radiators and underfloor heating. The pipes connecting the outdoor condenser unit and the building are filled with heating system water.
All air source heat pumps do produce some noise, as they contain a fan, but the modern ones are much quieter which is rarely a problem.Air-to-water heat pumps are simple to install and require little maintenance..They are an economical replacement to oil fired, coal and electric central heating, and a boon if you don’t have mains gas. And, as you won’t need a boiler, it frees up space in the home too. (Although electricity is needed to power the pump, extracting the heat from the outside air, a limitless renewable resource, even in temperatures as low as -18°C, far outweighs the cost of the electricity.)
Image right demonstrates an air-to-water air source heat pump
(Image via Home Heating Guide)
Air-to-Air Air Source Heat Pump
Systems that use indoor units to deliver warmth are referred to as air-to-air heat pumps. This renewable energy heat pump is essentially an air conditioner that works in reverse. These are 'direct expansion' systems that transfer heat into a building using refrigerant rather than water. The biggest benefit is that they have the ability to keep you nice and cool in the hot summer months and warm and toasty during the long cold winter. Direct expansion heat pumps can provide higher air delivery temperatures without sacrificing heat pump efficiency, which makes them more suitable where quick warm-up times are required, and most air-to-air heat pumpo systems also allow the unit to be reversed and run in a cooling mode.
As it only pumps heated air into your house, you need another mechanism to heat your water - so this is essentially seen as a hybrid air source heat pump system - which is a heat pump and traditional boiler combined. The concept being that the heat pump does most of the work, but falls back on the boiler to help out in particularly cold weather, when the heat pump may struggle.
However an air to air heap pump hybrid does have some advantages. The pumps are cheaper and have a good efficiency. Since they don’t use radiators, you won’t need to install bigger ones, although you may need ducting (pipes) in order to carry the hot air around to different rooms.
Another big benefit of an an air-to-air air source heat pump is their energy efficiency. These systems use electricity to move heat from the air outside to the air inside, rather than generating heat through the use
of fossil fuels. This means that they can provide heating and cooling at a much lower cost compared to traditional systems.
In addition to being energy efficient, air-to-air heat pump systems are also very cost effective to install. They do not require the installation of any additional fuel lines or tanks, as they solely rely on electricity to operate. This makes them a good choice for homes that do not have access to natural gas or bottled gas, or those with solar panels too.
Image left demonstrates an air-to-air source heat pump
(Image via Home Heating Guide)
Learn more about air source heat pump options
Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP)
A ground source heat pump, sometimes referred to as a ground-to-water heat pump, transfers heat from the ground outside your home to heat your radiators or underfloor heating. It can also heat water stored in a hot water cylinder for your hot taps and showers
About Ground Source Heat Pumps
Ground source heat pumps are the most energy efficient but, due to the cost and complexity of installation, are better suited to new builds during the later construction phases. Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) use pipes that are buried underground to extract heat from the ground, which is then used to heat radiators, underfloor or warm air heating systems and hot water in your home.
A ground source heat pump circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze around a loop of pipe, called a ground loop, which is buried in your garden. Heat from the ground is absorbed into the fluid and then passes through a heat exchanger into the heat pump. As the ground stays at a fairly constant temperature under the surface, the heat pump can be used throughout the year. The length of the ground loop depends on the size of your home and the amount of heat you need. Longer loops can draw more heat from the ground, but need more space to be buried in. If space is limited, a vertical borehole can be drilled instead.
More details can be found on the Ground Source Heat Pump Association website.
Ground Source Heat Pump Considerations
There are a few things to consider when deciding whether a ground source heat pump is right for you.
Ground Source Heating explained
Below 1.5metres, the ground temperature is a constant 8–12oC all year round.This low-grade heat can be taken from the ground using a buried pipe known as the ground loop, around which a mixture of water and anti-freeze is pumped. The heat is then transferred from the liquid within the loop by the heat pump and upgraded to a higher temperature for heating.
Groundloops can be either closed or open, and installed vertically as a borehole or
horizontally in a trench. The type selected will be dependent on the ground area available, as well as access and geological conditions. The British Geological Survey offers further information on site geology.Contrary to what you may think, you don’t necessarily need a large space, but you will need land near your home suitable for digging trenches or drilling boreholes. You will need space inside your home for the indoor heat pump unit, which contains key components. The inside unit often contains the hot water cylinder and is roughly the size of an American style fridge.
Most homes in the UK use radiators or underfloor heating to circulate hot water, which is known as a ‘wet system’. Ground source heat pumps need a wet system too. If you don’t currently have a wet system, you will have to decide whether you’d like to install one. This is a great opportunity to make sure the wet system is optimised for a heat pump, resulting in lower running costs. Air-to-Water heat pumps make the best wet system, but if you don’t want or can’t have a wet heating system an Air-to-Air heat pumps are a cost and energy efficient option.
Ground Source Heat Pumps : Boreholes and Loops
Boreholes are normally drilled where there is not a large land area available for a horizontal collector loop. The loops are usually installed into 100 and 150mm diameter boreholes, 15 to 120 metres deep. Water with anti-freeze (or brine) is pumped around these loops. Boreholes must be correctly spaced. If they are too close together, the net cooling effect on the ground will reduce the efficiency of the system. The cost and efficiency of the system will also be highly dependent upon location.
An alternative to using a borehole is to create a horizontal or 'trench' loop. These are commonly laid in trenches 1.2 to 2.5m deep. Horizontal loops typically require a larger land area than borehole loops. Another way of laying horizontal loops is to use a ‘slinky’ coil of pipe, so that the pipes overlap and less area is required. Horizontal loops can be considerably cheaper than vertical boreholes. They are also usually slightly less efficient than boreholes due to the fluctuating ground temperature near the surface.
Closed loop is the most common type of ground source heat pump. A sealed loop of pipe is filled with a mixture of water and anti-freeze. The liquid increases in temperature as it passes around the loop through the warmer ground. This heat is then transferred from the loop by the heat pump.
Open loop systems are not often used. Groundwater is pumped from boreholes drilled into underground water sinks (aquifers) or water is extracted from lakes, rivers and the sea. Heat is transferred from the water via a heat pump, with the water re-injected into the ground through another borehole. The re-injected water should not mix with the extracted water, or the system will be less efficient. This mixing is known as ‘short-circuiting’.
Ground Source Heat Pump Installation Considerations
Installation of GSHPs involves digging large trenches or boreholes with large plant machinery. Consents will be needed if the works are in the setting of a listed building or affect a scheduled monument, or the site is in a Conservation Area. Possible harm to wildlife and habitats will also need to be considered. There may be other considerations too, such as existing underground services and cables, and access to the site.
Before starting work on-site, it is important to assess the possibility of unrecorded buried archaeology. In cases where there is known or suspected buried archaeology present, an archaeologist should be commissioned to undertake a Watching Brief during the groundworks.
Pipes will need to run between the boreholes or loops and the heat pump, and also through the building’s external wall. Care will be needed not to damage historic fabric. Generally, GSHP pipework enters the building below ground level. The design of the system will also need to ensure that the manifold chamber provides sufficient access for maintenance and adequate drainage. Additionally, there should be sufficient space for the indoor plant room and access to and maintenance of all the items of the GSHP plant. Documentation of the GSHP loop should be kept, as it could be easily damaged by later work on-site if the location is not known.
Air Source Heat Pumps Compared to Ground Source Heat Pumps?
Three important differences ...
The installation
Ground source heat pumps generally require a large garden or piece of land within which to be installed. Alternatively they can be installed in deep boreholes - as such both types of installation results in excavation costs before the physical system is integrated, within the property. The condensing unit is usually quite large and is sited inside of the premises.
Air source heat pumps however do not require any intensive installation, and the condenser unit is simply sited in a box on the outside of a property. .
The efficiency
The efficiency, or the measure of the heat energy output per kW of electricity, is stated as the COP (Coefficient of Performance) or SCOP (or Seasonal Coefficient of Performance — the SCOP is the average COP over a defined period of time such as a year). A typical 'SCOP' figure for an air source heat pump might be 3.2; the comparable figure for ground source heat pumps is more like 4, so for every 1kW of electricity, 4kW is generated. So ground source heat pumps appear to be slightly more efficient. However as the compressor and the refrigerant is very similar in both systems you need to check the temperature of the heat source, so the ground and the air. Towards the end of the heating season (December onwards) the ground could be colder as the heat is extracted. If the air temperature is then warmer than the ground temperature then it can be argued that the ASHP could be more efficient. Geographical location and ground condition and important when making this choice.
Grants and incentives
Read our Renewable Heating Grants for Homeowners and Renewable Heating Grants for Business pages for details of current opportunities
Water Source Heat Pumps
Water Source Heat Pumps
Water source heat pumps extract heat from lakes, rivers, canals, or the sea. The water temperature is often higher than the ambient air temperature in the winter and a heat pump can multiply this up to four times.
Like GSHPs, the collector can be an open or closed loop system. However, water source heat pumps are only viable if the water body is close to the building to be heated. If the body of water is not large enough
enough, there will be a net cooling effect, lowering the average temperature of the water body and reducing the efficiency of the heat pump.Water, together with anti-freeze, is pumped around a loop located in the water body/watercourse. The heat is transferred by the heat pump into the heating system. Trenching is needed between the building and the water source for the flow and return pipework to run.
In an open loop system, water is extracted from the source and passed through a heat pump to increase the temperature. The water is then pumped back into where it came from but in another location, ensuring
short-circuiting will not occur. Some type of filtration system is needed.It is also possible to use water source heat pumps in a cascade configuration to increase the flow temperature from a low-grade heat source, such as ground source heat pumps. In this configuration, the
water source heat pump can be designed to only operate seasonally when the heating demand is high or to raise the design flow temperature for part or all of the heating system.Water Source Heat Pump Considerations
Water source heat pumps are more specialist and commercial or suited to larger properties, inpart due to the logistics of implementation. Invariably there are quite a few things to consider when deciding on water source heating.
Water Source Heating Implementation
The water source needs to be within a reasonable distance of the site, in order to minimise the energy required to pump the water to and from the heat pump to the water source.
It is advisable to identify annual temperatures and flow rates to determine if the water body is suitable. A detailed water source heat map is available to check potential heat capacity.
A full investigation of the water source then needs to be carried out to understand: how the water flows; its depth; width turn-over rate; the quality of the water; whether it is in full sunlight or shaded; and the role of the water body in the water catchment system. Where deep water is to be used, the water stratification needs to be considered. This is
because, at certain times of the year, water at the bottom can be a higher temperature than water at the top. Existing services such as underground cables and drains will need to be considered.The Environment Agency and other water protection bodies including navigation and harbour authorities, and neighbours up and downstream should be consulted as the water source heat pump installation may affect wider water systems.
The investigation will need to include a wildlife and habitat survey by a professional ecologist that includes an analysis of the temperature profile of plants and animals, nesting sites, and other uses. Local wildlife groups and fishing clubs may have useful records. The ecologist can also advise on any necessary wildlife licences and protection measures needed including the timing of installation work.
Installation work involves heavy plant machinery and mitigation against damage to water edges and setting of the water body. The work should not be carried out during bird nesting season (February to August). Precautions must be taken not to harm other protected species, such as bats and water voles or their habitats.
As with GSHPs, there are likely to be other landscape and archaeology considerations too, especially in historic designed landscapes where the aesthetics of the water body will be important. Mitigation screening, such as reed beds, may not be desirable, although there may also be opportunities to create new wildlife habitats. Understanding the
historic significance of a site will help determine design considerations and whether a heat pump is acceptable. You may need to commission advice from a historic designed landscape specialist.Installation of a water source heat pump could also be an opportunity to undertake other maintenance work of the water body and its structures. Pipes will need to run between the loop in the water body and the heat pump and the building. Generally, water source systems pipework enters the building below ground level. Consideration needs to be given to the design of manifold chambers and plantrooms, and access to plant for maintenance. Finally, documentation should be kept of the loop installation as there is a risk future water management work could damage it.
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